I thought of this while reading Bräutigam (2004): a justification chart, with all the good reasons for doing ePB. Actually, there are a couple areas of J: one for PB, one for doing PB by DSS:
Area | Justification | Source |
PB | "consultation with affected groups was thought to influence the sustainability of policies and improve the prospects for their design and implementation" | Bräutigam 2004, p. 656 |
PB | "shadow of the future": Irish National Economic and Social Council has found that the knowledge that the project continues and that involved parties will be getting together again "has generated an environment of patience and trust" (Bräutigam) which "nurtures reciprocity, facilitates communication, improves flow of trsutworthy information and increase cost of defection" (Robert Putnam, World Bank) | Bräutigam 2004, p. 658 |
PB | It's our money! Discussing Mauritius: "Here we see a strong link between social expenditures and the revenues that must be generated to pay for them. Ordinary citizens pay taxes... and therefore, because of their revenue role and not just their spending role, have a right to hold the government accountable for its spending." | Bräutigam 2004, p. 663 |
ePB | "The poorest may not have the resources to participate, and may eb at a disadvantage" says Bräutigam—o.k., hook up a DSS to lower those participation costs! | Bräutigam 2004, p. 663 |
PB | Transparency can increase tax collections: folks see how their money is being used, "may be more likely to pay their taxes." | Bräutigam 2004, p. 666 |
PB | more info and transparency => easier to push gov't for pro-poor policy by hold to light gov't's failings | Bräutigam 2004, p. 667 |
PB | PB "can serve an important public education function" (all the more if ePB!) | Bräutigam 2004, p. 667 |
See if that helps!
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